Ummmm. I press record then render. Imma go feel inadequate now.
Ditto / Forums / Posts by phesago
Ummmm. I press record then render. Imma go feel inadequate now.
Arizona sucks, can I represent another area?
fuck all ya'll
baseball caps for everyone and you're all the boys,
who cares about what you have for fiddly bits down there.
Lol I should ask my wife how she feels about my fiddly bitz O_o
And sadly, im the only one in arizona
For reals! I might actually upload something decent soon, lol
i wouldnt bother trying to make any of mine into aLbum material, lol Besides I think someone would be too angry at me if they paid for that hahahaha
bitches, i keep posting my awful stuff. i will be the last weekly beater standing. loljk
lol i beat weekly *sorry im a child*
12,000+ thread views?! fuck yea! next week i will be uploading a song at 255bpm
this ought to be fun
Anyone watch the Moog/Rockmore interview they put up on moog's website early this week or last week? Very cool!
lame! at least im still in!@
This is absolutely gorgeous dude. Fantastic piece.
yeah for sure, gonna have at least a few duds
i try to make all of mine duds LOL
dude.. dont go.. even if it's a fart into a jar of a track. post something.
This, im sure you can randomly post something, even if it sucks!
I'd like to thank my wife for letting me do whatever i want while she watches shitty indy films on netflix! Lol
B/c of her I try and record something shitty everyday, and whatever I work on on saturday is what gets posted, regardless of how awful it is.
.38 special should be the theme for those to which it applies....this week or next. pretty abstract but hey thats how it should be : D