I'm not sure I'll have time to make a video every week, but I put my Week 1 Youtube video as part of the "about" for the actual song entry, but here it is again:
great track man!
WeeklyBeats.com / Forums / Posts by little-scale
I'm not sure I'll have time to make a video every week, but I put my Week 1 Youtube video as part of the "about" for the actual song entry, but here it is again:
great track man!
just wanted to say WELCOME YALLLLLLL
You don't have to be rich and famous - I turned the closet in my music room into a vocal booth with acoustic baffles for a few hundred bucks (and mounted a 22" LCD in there to duplicate my laptop display) Very effective. I should post some pics when I get home from work.
nice idea with the 22inch lcd. Bluetooth keyboard / mouse combo for control, too? Or phone?
I was thinking today that I should invest in a better coffee-making device than my current 1-cup plunger...
I will be attempting to make a video for each of my WeeklyBeats 2014 submissions.
Everyone else is welcome to post any videos that they make for their WB tracks in this thread too!
Ableton Live with Max for Live and Max. Really flexible (for what it is) yet very quick and easy to work with.
if you've got the balls and enough coffee, youcould always do an ol-fashion milkcrate sesh
Was just thinking this.
A billion coffees are required.
In your heart you will know that it is complete.
no website yet - it will be posted once created.
i think it depends on the musical content. but let's say slow pop music in the range of 70 bpm to 96bpm, then the 36.35 minute mark might be an appropriate threshold.
And dream on in beliefs.