St Louis

tried a new way of sequencing beats that i have been thinking about doing for years, and it worked better than expected. 2 really weird synth tracks too, one from a korg poly800 and the other from a gakken, both through reverbs and delays which changed the character of the sounds.

i keep tinkering with the finally master, maybe I'll run it again. in the meantime, ready to chat i guess. how is everyone's start going? my tracks started out on the long side but are getting progressively a bit shorter. in a few weeks, maybe i'll be under 5 minutes! ha, yeah right.


rough, got sick, have people over. working on just putting anything out

Pweter City

I've been experimenting with different methods to streamline the process. I've been starting to jam out and get to where a loop or an idea is fully fleshed out. From there I scale back and try to introduce that idea. I'll do that another time and jam between them.


It's been pretty easy for me so far. I think the next few weeks will be dedicated to OP-1 jams; it's just so easy to get something cool going!

Sydney, Australia

I stress out every week... but then I somehow manage to pump something out! I'm just about ready now! 2 days early! Woo!

Brussels, Belgium

I have one evening a week reserved to making a track. After that I try to use every spare minute I can find to improve the mixing, but I never seem to have enough time. It is quite stressy, but this way I learn to work a bit more efficient, which isn't too bad smile

St Louis
kill urself my man wrote:

rough, got sick, have people over. working on just putting anything out

been sick too, finally getting better after like 12 days of soar throat, stuffy nose, coughing, all that good stuff. didn't take off work or band practice so real tired.

St Louis
Mr Mort wrote:

I've been experimenting with different methods to streamline the process. I've been starting to jam out and get to where a loop or an idea is fully fleshed out. From there I scale back and try to introduce that idea. I'll do that another time and jam between them.

yeah improvisation and then effective editing, or making a sample library from a jam and then doing a quick sequencing is the most efficient way to work.

St Louis
Pselodux wrote:

It's been pretty easy for me so far. I think the next few weeks will be dedicated to OP-1 jams; it's just so easy to get something cool going!

yeah me too, got a lot of new equipment and ideas to play with, so far very good smile

St Louis
filby wrote:

I stress out every week... but then I somehow manage to pump something out! I'm just about ready now! 2 days early! Woo!

yeah it's a lot of work or practice or however you want to look at it, but it really does help in the long run to do the challenge.

St Louis
dj someguy wrote:

I have one evening a week reserved to making a track. After that I try to use every spare minute I can find to improve the mixing, but I never seem to have enough time. It is quite stressy, but this way I learn to work a bit more efficient, which isn't too bad smile

yeah, it's almost impossible to create a track in a week that sounds as good as normal production, but sometimes it's possible. there will be off weeks though... wasn't super happy with first week, but last week's was a rad new experiment and this weeks might be even better but a bit different.


I finished early too, Whole 3 hours to DL. It's no joke, DL is 2am here. Started the track yesterday and finalised today. Whopping 7 minute track yikes


Track uploaded today!

St Louis

finished this week's early too, it's a weird one. total space theme.