I thought I'd put it here instead of it getting lost into another conversation.
Is this possible to implement? I would prefer my music to not be available for download, just for listening online on weeklybeats.com
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I thought I'd put it here instead of it getting lost into another conversation.
Is this possible to implement? I would prefer my music to not be available for download, just for listening online on weeklybeats.com
Not really. I mean yeah we could add that, but it wouldn't really restrict anyone from actually downloading any mp3 they wanted, since the content is still an mp3 played by the browser. Unless someone knows something I don't.
Yup I understand that, but that implies a bunch of tinkering by whoever wants to do that, instead of just clicking "download".
I mean, the same could happen with Bandcamp files, right? Or are you exposing the exact file uploaded directly?
In any case even if the download button is the only thing one can disable, that'd be nice I guess.
Without using something like Flash (YUCK), it's the same process between downloading a mp3 and streaming it. I suppose we could have the download button optional, you'd probably want to be removed from the RSS feed as well.
Hmm, I just don't want to use Weeklybeats to "release" anything out there. I am happy with the challenge and with people listening to what I upload here, but I don't want people to believe I am releasing songs every week. I've been keeping my challenge private this year because of this issue, if there's no way to make it work, even if it is because you just don't want to, I totally understand, I'll just keep on doing it as I am doing it now!
What does the RSS feed do anyway? Direct link to the mp3? If that's the case, yeah.
One more thing, does this mean the uploads are re-encoded toa standard mp3 format for streaming on the browser?
No the files are not re-encoded. if they were, I'd like to do both OGG and Mp3, because of the browser standards wars. Some browsers don't play Mp3s- they only play Ogg (Firefox), while others are the opposite. (Safari/IOS)
Pretty annoying.
Decided without having to pay extra server costs for running encoding on the backend, to allow only mp3 and let the users do it. As well this explains why ID3 tags are not managed by the server as well.
To this end it also gives you the ultimate control. If you want to upload a lower quality version, go for it. If you want to put copyright information or other data in the tags, go for it.
Participation does not mean you have to upload here. It's nice to get feedback from peers but it's not required. It's your choice. It's all about pressure to push creativity and work within deadlines- That and the community around it is the point I believe.
Yeah I get that and I am happily fulfilling the challenge on my own, but it feels kinda weird to being part of this but not share what you have done with weeklybeats peers, hence my request for allowing me to upload so every site member can listen, but disable downloads of what I upload. I believe it's a fair request. Also the requirement of "upload before deadline" gets kinda blurred in my case, where I don't really go through the process of finalizing a track for upload because I don't need to (and in my current setup and progress, that means I am avoiding two steps of the process: recording and digitizing), and that's a cop out. I could use the extra motivation
I understand resourceful people can still get MP3s out of the site code or whatever, but that's beyond the point, I cannot and do not intend to stop that.
So if you can implement this feature without breaking the website, I'd appreciate it! I can upload with "copyright" to avoid its including on the torrent. Perhaps songs marked as "copyright" can be excluded from the RSS feed too? Or some other tag can be added that would exclude them from the rss feed?
Sorry to drag on about this, and feel free to tell me to give it up
i've already downloaded all of his tracks, burned them on cd's, and started selling them on the sidewalk
i've already downloaded all of his tracks, burned them on cd's, and started selling them on the sidewalk
you must be his agent.
Wow, really? Thanks for that man, as george says, you must be my agent
Who downloads MP3's anymore anyway?
I do, I hate streaming, it is too dependent on a stable connection. mp3s all the way for me. I only download the tracks i like though.
Yeah alright
@Trash80 , will there be a chance to implement this or should I forget about it?
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