So I've made it to week 27 without missing a week again.
How is everyone else doing?
So I've made it to week 27 without missing a week again.
How is everyone else doing?
i havent missed any weeks either. but i feel like all my shit has sucked this year. havent really been giving it much attention
Rockin' it. Much better than 2012. I'm going for the full 104. That is the point, after all.
Amazed I've made if so far. I've got recording down to a production line!
Loving it
Yeah, I'm in the zone. A couple tracks I've recorded along the way haven't exactly been my favorite, but overall I'm really happy with the results. I fully intend to make it through the year without missing a week and maybe even continue into 2015 depending on how I feel at the end of the year. Keep it up, everyone!
Wish I'd been in on this in 2012, but I'm going for the full year! Our baby still hasn't been born, but my retrograde project should see me through. Trying to get this week's track up today for safety.
Since week 1, in fact I already did my week 28.
I'm going for 61, adding the nine from 2012.
try ... have to take care not to see it as duty ... dont like duties at all, best from vienna, c
@infradead - sure! you are right .... but sometimes from monday on i start thinking about what to produce on fe friday afternoon while having a drink c
So far so good. I didn't find out about this until Week 3 so I guess I won't be making the entire year but I don't see any stopping before the year is out. They may not all be gold but they were all made by me!