Orlando, FL

I was wondering if anybody's come across any free oud soundfonts or VSTs


Quick search turned this up:

Free VST for Windows.

Last edited by Techmonkey (May 19, 2014 10:19 pm)

Orlando, FL

Thanks for taking a look for me. I tested the VST, but it sounds very bad unfortunately. Maybe it is a difficult instrument to record?

Melbourne, Australia
Brackleforth wrote:

Thanks for taking a look for me. I tested the VST, but it sounds very bad unfortunately. Maybe it is a difficult instrument to record?

I imagine it's easy enough to record, just a bit difficult to sample given that it's not really a western instrument, so its base tuning is not likely to be 440hz (I don't actually know what it is). It would be easy enough to record the 12 notes of the western tonal system, but if the tuning is out then it wouldn't really fit with other 440hz tuned stuff.

Or something.


How about loops you can manipulate? Earthsync is some quality stuff.

Not free tho but price seems decent.

Last edited by Techmonkey (May 20, 2014 2:46 pm)


A good friend of mine is a classical/flamenco guitarist who lived in Cairo for several years during which time he took oud lessons.  If there's something in particular you want, I might be able to get him to come by to play/record it.  Especially if you're willing to do the drudge work of turning the raw recordings into a good collection in return!

Orlando, FL

Sorry, I don't have experience with creating .sf2 files
I actually don't know how to manipulate .wav loops either. I can assign them to notes in UTAU or pxtone, but that's the extent of what I know. It usually sounds distorted in some way.

Thanks for your support though everybody. I was just looking to see if a .sf2 was already in existence