dead up in this bitch lol
miss this. was fucking fun
me too.. not sure what made me think to check here
We need a WB2014. Someone bug trash80 about it!
ill see what i can do. though i think he will say no.
What is it with this place, just this Friday I had the compelling feeling some people would be here; why am I not the only one? What's wrong with us? Psychic connection?
Anyway, I'm still going on with 12 EP with my 3 month delay, but I'm always game.
I know, it's weird. After checking this website like 20 times a day it felt so weird in January not to come here any more... It's so sad
why cant someone pay for it and just have him do it? IDK how this shit works, but lets get the fucking ball rolling >:3
EDIT IM pretty sure those4 of us who really want to will donate some monies
this used to be one of my most visited websites. its still programmed into my phone browser :')
i fele this thread is evidence enough that the people would like to do this again 8)
As far as donations go, i got 5 on it