Adelaide, Australia

12 EPs is a monthly EP challenge/event that will be running as of now-ish. There's no stress though. You know why there's no stress? Because it's 2013, bitches. We left stress behind. There's so little stress I haven't even made the 12 EPs website yet!

...Which is why I'm making this topic. It officially started today, being the first of the month, but the community website hasn't been made yet. I don't know when it will be made either because I'm tired as fuck today and I have to go back to work this week before making it to Melbourne for the WB PARTY.

It will happen though.

For now however, just enjoy your New Year holiday and maybe start thinking about what your first EP might be about/what style you want to aim for. All of your amazing releases will be hosted on BandCamp* and then using the BandCamp API I will just embed all of the releases onto the 12 EPs homepage on the first of every month. The 12 EPs website I'm making** will serve as a digest / collection point for all of our releases to make them easily accessible and will have a forum for communique.

There's only 5 rules I can think of for now that I want to impose:
1) No copyrighted material (BandCamp will pwn you for this, not so much me).
2) Try write original songs. Covers and remixes that don't come with permission will make me cry.
3) Start and finish the EP within the calendar month. Have it uploaded by the 31st so I can embed them all on the site on the 1st. (communication techniques will be figured out)
4) We are loosely defining an EP as "at least 3 songs and not longer than 30 minutes" (this one mostly applies to me :3).
5) Be nice to people.

This first month might be a bit of a rough ride because this is a very last minute idea, but again it's only the 1st right now so it doesn't even matter.

Oh, and join Phil's FB group he made for us:

* If you want to host on something other than BandCamp and that alternative does not allow embedding then you can't be on the 12 EPs front page. This isn't an exclusive deal with BandCamp, it's just their player+API are easy as fuck.

** Browsing through WordPress themes is classed as making a website right?

Last edited by Thursdaybloom (January 1, 2013 1:55 pm)

Adelaide, South Australia

Whoo! I'm, excited. At least I know that I'll be able to shame myself past the halfway point this time, simply because '26 in a row isn't a bad effort, really' doesn't work when it's only 6 smile

The Wisconsin

Hey, do we have to join the FB group? I never get on FB, my account is completely inactive, so it wouldn't even be of any use to me, or anybody else, anyways.

Adelaide, Australia

No you don't, it was just a shameless plug for Phil tongue. If you want in on 12 EPs then we can just communicate through here still.

The future
Thursdaybloom wrote:

No you don't, it was just a shameless plug for Phil tongue. If you want in on 12 EPs then we can just communicate through here still.

hehe thanks for the shameless plug. Of course you dont have to join. You dont HAVE to do anything.

Tacoma WA


Russia,Podolsk(Moscow region)





Nice one thursdaybloom!

The Wisconsin

If WB 2013 isn't a thing, I think I'll just carry on with the months and make a 4+ song EP every month, continuing at the rate as if weeklybeats WAS happening. It would be nice to not have to worry about the Sunday deadline.


May I suggest something longer than 30 minutes for an EP?

Adelaide, Australia

Yeah sure. When does an EP become and LP though?


i think it depends on the musical content. but let's say slow pop music in the range of 70 bpm to 96bpm, then the 36.35 minute mark might be an appropriate threshold.

Adelaide, Australia

The little EP that could.

The 30 minute max was a community suggestion. I really don't mind.


One thing that does kind of bothers me, there's no notation of 12EP being 2013 like WB2012 was, shouldn't the name be 12EP13?

Adelaide, Australia

I decided against that. The main focus of the challenge is '12 EPs in a row'. It was too last minute to truly spread the word and gain interest. If people join in March or April then I feel they should get the chance to do 12 EPs in a row too.

It's the main reason behind calling it 12 EPs and not Monthly EPs. It's not 'do an EP a month from Jan-Dec 2013', it's 'do 12 in a row'. There's lots of people reasonably bummed WB didn't continue because their Song A Week platform isn't running anymore.