Coastal Australia

Hey all,

I'm heading overseas for a month later this year so I was wondering if anyone knows if it's possible to use an apple app of some sort to create (that part is obvious) but then render to an mp3 which is then able to be uploaded to WB.  There's the issue of (if it's possible) where the rendered file is stored on the device and then being able to select the file via the WB uploader.

Any suggestions?  I'll definitely have my iphone, I MAY buy an ipad but I think I'd have the same issues anyway.  Or I'll just be done with it and take my lappy.



Adelaide, Australia

I'd suggest taking your laptop, then you don't have to worry about it. tongue

Coastal Australia
NekoTheory wrote:

I'd suggest taking your laptop, then you don't have to worry about it. tongue

Hehe... point taken.  I probably will I reckon but out interest at the least; does anyone know if it is possible to do such a thing with any apple apps via iphone/ipad?

Adelaide, South Australia

I managed to get it to the point of having WAVs available to download on to a laptop, but you won't be able to upload directly from your device to WB. You will need at least need to go to a full system to export, encode and upload.

Coastal Australia

Ah bugger.  I thought that might be the case.  Laptop it is!  smile

Cheers for the info.

Adelaide, South Australia
