So, yeah, tried to upload some pics with my this weeks submission and even after trying multiple ways, including the code shown under the help link, it still on ly shows as text.
Some mods wanna help a brother out?
Pages 1
So, yeah, tried to upload some pics with my this weeks submission and even after trying multiple ways, including the code shown under the help link, it still on ly shows as text.
Some mods wanna help a brother out?
Wait, is it possible to preview your submission? When I upload my tracks and use the img code it only ever shows as text until the submission goes live.
Wait, is it possible to preview your submission? When I upload my tracks and use the img code it only ever shows as text until the submission goes live.
lol i figured out this was actually my problem before seeing any replies. I kept trying to fix it like an idiot, when I shouldve realised that it wont let me preview it.
I would like to thank you for the replies, even though I am sure you might think I am a bit retarded now O_o
Pages 1