
I had a song that I made pretty quickly and it came out ok, but it's not what is was expecting I guess. But I did just receive my nanoloop 1.6 cart, and have already begun working on new things, so i'm excited!


I made an incomplete song in Famitracker before I went to MAGFEST. I'm pretty happy with it. There's plenty of room to grow the tune later too.


Happy with the sounds, less so with the sequencing... how to stretch 64 steps over 12 minutes.

Brisbane, Australia
cTrix wrote:

Tell me about it!  A thing that's boggling my brain is having to come back to a track I've started within the same week often when I'm in a completely different head-space.  I hardly ever do that.  You can hear my tune take a dramatic change in vibe and style for whole sections.  You can only start so many tunes before having to commit to one and finish it.

I found myself running into the same sort of issue but usually if I have a good idea I'm happy to keep coming back to it ... I don't exactly have a one track mind though smile


My track was very average. I didn't spend enough time and effort on it. sad

Hopefully this week will be different.


Not good, tried to rush out something in last hours. I almost finished something close to the end, then Gambatte crashed and took the song with it. Now upgraded Gambatte, lets hope for better luck next week smile

Adelaide SA

Not really happy with the outcome of this week. I rushed it, and now I don't like the piece at all. But it gave me a semi-solid idea for next week, so that's good.
My main problem with it is that it's veeeeery boring, and it sounds like everything else I've made sad

Madrid, Spain

I tried to make quick decisions and don't look back (too much UNDO) instead of waiting to find the "perfect" sample/twist/intro/FX combination... which is often one of my biggest problems. The basic idea was settled around Tuesday, but I didn't finished mastering until Sunday at 22:50!.

Looking forward to hear other people's efforts!


I force myself to record something awful everyday(except friday and saturday, work)and I uploaded the thing I liked the most. Probably sucks, but it was the thing I was the happiest with at that time.

Helsinki, Finland

75% happy, mixing and mastering is so so and it could be lil shorter but otherwise, I think it finds it way to my setlists.

Ireland / Yorkshire

Cutting it close... didn't have much time due to having to move on Monday/everything going wrong since.

My track was kind of an old thing that I decided to rearrange and finish up tonight, bit disappointing but I'm looking forward to actually working within the week from now on.

Could be mixed better... no damn monitors.


Well, I've had my 6 hours sleep and got my coffee.  Watchin' that count down.  Now we get to see how Trash 80's code fares ;-)

Great to hear everyone's feedback (keep it flowing!!) and nice to know that we've all (even little-scale) had an adventure during week one.


I literally finished and uploaded mine with a few minutes to spare. Everything went completely to pot and I ended up having to record an acoustic guitar on an 8 track, make up some shoddy lyrics and ad lib the vocal melody as I recorded (at about 11.30pm) with no time to mix it. So am I happy? No, not really. I do like the instrumental part though, but I'm hoping to put a bit more time in next week smile

Central VA
little-scale wrote:

My track was very average. I didn't spend enough time and effort on it. sad

Hopefully this week will be different.

This is me in a nutshell.  Songs are up though, no looking back!

For what it's worth, I got to record some Theremin time, which is great!

L003, C0rnw4//.

realy looking forward to checking everyones entrys *ha, dirty joke in there somewhere*

cTrix wrote:

Great to hear everyone's feedback (keep it flowing!!) and nice to know that we've all (even cTrix) had an adventure during week one.