
I'm starting mine tonight. I was looking for expanding my style into some minimal LSDJ stuff smile

Coastal Australia

Mine is done.  Just have to export out etc.  Collab isn't out of the question but I have some ideas I want to work on first.  I might hit you up later in the year.

Coastal Australia

My first track has been submitted!  I like how you don't get to hear anyone's work until the end of the week where they're all released at once.  Very cool!


Finishing up next few days, got the basics done and the direction sorted. Definitely got me excited for the first batch of songs where everyone still has some form of drive/enthusiasm for this undertaking tongue


Hey guys, I just posted the song that I happened to finish earlier this week. Float, I might try to do some LSDJ tracks too. That program really gets some amazing sounds out of it. But my first submission is fakebit garageband, with some piano. I plan to jump around though. I'm really eager to see how many participants join this.


Theyre pretty many. I think like 60.

The Wisconsin

I created a song last week, but then I realized that I was a week early. I created a second song today and I just uploaded that, however. I'm interested not only to hear what others have made, but also to hear what people think of my song.

Philadelphia, PA

I wonder what the ratio of chip to non-chip will be...


It will definitely be easier for me to churn out chip music.. If i were to do anything with my live instruments, i would have to learn a lot about recording.. But I probably will at some point in 2012.. so we will see


holy shit my first track is going pretty bad. im going with a 'no ditching projects' policy for this whole year to maintain efficiency.

shits gonna be messy

Cincinnati, Ohio

im out of town and only have my gameboy and DI device so my first one is gonna be straight LSDJ, but im trying out some new techniques on it smile im down for colab with just about any genre though.  next week ill be back at my studio to get some real shit done.  ive got a classical guitar track im stuck on that could use a fresh look if anyone is interested.

L003, C0rnw4//.

Im going for mainly, but not limited to, 2 channel Impulse Tracker songs.

My first track is almost ready for the upload - happy joy.



My first track is for now LSDJ only and yet to be properly recorded but I'm still wondering if I should take some more time to add non-chip material to the mix...


I made a spiritual sequel to my first song ever

ie it's shit


Uploaded! One down, 51 to go...

Madison, Alabama

I've finished the LSDJ portion of the track.  I just need to record the guitars and tambourine.  Maybe some other stuff.  Glockenspiel or something.  And cricket sounds.  I need cricket sounds.