Weeklybeats 2024 was a 52 week long music project in which artists composed and publicly released 1 song a week for the entire year. Enjoy this archive of over 7,500 music compositions by over 300 artists.
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WeeklyBeats.com / Music / fonserbc's music / Jo a on pararía?

Jo a on pararía?

By fonserbc on January 28, 2024 3:49 pm

Second song of the year! (whoops been busy)

Another song in Català, accompanying myself with the guitar, performed in one take.
This week I wanted to go for something a bit more uncertain, tense, a bit faster. I think I failed on the fast, but it definitely came out a bit more tense than usual. Spent some time finding the sounds and rhythms I liked in the guitar, and kinda forgot about chords, tonics and dominants this time.
Also I tuned 6th and 1st differently:

F#–A–D–G–B–C#  (6th up 2 semitones, 1st down 3)

About uncertainty, I think the lyrics came out quite alright. The song is called Jo a on pararía?, and it's about this feeling of wondering where would ourselves be if our lives weren't the way they are. If we needn't eat, breath, work, money, passports.. if we didn't love who we love, if we didn't have the roots we have.

Need to work on my melodies, but I didn't have much time this week (and I mean this Sunday because I always end up doing everything on Sunday)

Hope someone enjoys!

Jo a on pararía? (catalan for Where would I end up?)

Si no hagués de treballar
Si no em toqués menjar cada dia
Si no em calgués respirar
Jo a on pararía?

Si no portés mai diners
Si no em paréssin a cada frontera
Si no em dolguéssin les meves arrels
A on pararía?

Si no m’estimessen tant
Si no t’estimés com només jo t’estimo
Si no recordés sense posar-me a plorar
A on pararía?

Molt bonica, de veritat. Espere que trobes mes temps per a poder pujar mes cançons! Salutación desde Castelló.

JavierMF wrote:

Molt bonica, de veritat. Espere que trobes mes temps per a poder pujar mes cançons! Salutación desde Castelló.

Gràcies! Content de que algú m'entengui haha
Si visqués a casa de muns iaios et saludaria des del Delta de l'Ebre smile

Suuuper sweet! Lyrics have a lovely sound to one who can't understand them. Nice guitar playing! For this theme even the occasional imperfections fit and give a good texture.

I have a bunch of tom jobim music that sounds a bit like this. Almost like he also was recording on an iphone or smth in the 50s

Just before the scat part I was imagining how nice this would sound with a band! Someday, I hope! big_smile

Tan calmante y relajante. ¡Gracias por compartir!

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