Demà agafo un vol
By fonserbc on July 17, 2022 1:56 pm
Another song in Català. A bit of a last minute finish on the song.
Singing and playing at the same time is still hard.
Recently I've been dealing with a lot of planning related to flying back to Europe after summer, and well there's some anxiety related to flying in time of covid. Sure I don't want to "catch" anything while flying, but also I'm more worried about the fact that a positive test before flying or during my stay might mean delaying such a long and expensive flight indefinitely, breaking so much plans.
Demà agafo un vol i segur que tot anirà bé.
Demà agafo un vol i segur que no agafarem res.A la terminal no hi haurà ningú.
A dins de l'avió l'aire ja estarà filtrant.Tothom portarà una mascareta.
Ningú no vindrà si no es troba bé.
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