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By fc on July 21, 2012 1:59 pm

praxis |ˈpraksəs|
noun formal
practice, as distinguished from theory

I've been exploring more of that white-noise manipulation stuff, and have spent a number of days on this piece. Original source material is 1 second each of white, pink and brown noise. Realised in Ableton Live. I named it Praxis for two reasons, 1) because I attended a great concert called "Metapraxis" tonight in North Melbourne, and 2) because I feel that the learning of this particular technique is still in the relatively early stages, my previous efforts have been somewhat "theoretical" and now this piece represents a practical exploration of those theories.

There will probably be a revised version of this later in the year, so stay tuned!

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praxis is also that klingon moon that blows up in star trek VI smile
anyways.. haunting track.. maybe something to read by.

It's also the name of the hollow-earth city in the Canadian series "Sanctuary" big_smile

Like it.  Familiar with White and Pink but have never heard of Brown noise... looking it up.  Like the speed and snap of it. 

isnt brown noise white noise that has been filtered at 6db/octave

After a quick read up on noise, I have to admit the brown noise is very appealing as compared to white and much more natural sounding. Interesting stuff.

Yes, rolls off 6db per octave and as described in a Wiki article, sounds more like a waterfall.


Thanks, dudes. Yes, brown noise was nice to work with. There are two tracks derived from it I think.


the layers are so distinct yet work very well together

Thanks, dude!

Praxis is also a supergroup of sorts, amazing band. Very cool piece btw! diggin it

George, you beat me to the band mention  smile  Sacrifist!!

Great track btw.  Really dig it!  Love those lush tones.

Yeah absolutely lovely dude. Really enjoyed listening to this. Haunting line, and fantastic mix.

This is some mindblowing stuff. I would like to try out this one second of noise manipulation one of these days.

big_smile you guys is awesome! Thanks. smile

Really neat and cool atmosphere. Also sad that sanctuary is over, it was so good.

Here's an interesting quote: "Recently, a small study found that white noise background stimulation improves cognitive functioning among secondary students with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), while decreasing performance of non-ADHD students". As yet untested application of your extremely lovely track..?

Awesome. This was great! Also, on the topic of noise and research, in the book "Behold a Pale Horse" I think he mentions how noise was supposedly used in research for time travel. Take that with a grain of salt, because the auther was a conspiracy nut job that was gunned down in his home in the middle of the dessert, lol

@Drumur: yeah, but at least it didn't end on a cliff-hanger.
@Sinewave: that's really interesting. I guess that because there's no constant sound of noise in my track, it probably wouldn't work. I will put it to the test though, when I get students who can't seem to concentrate. Just put a white noise generator on in the background.
@Phase: Haha, I haven't read that one. But it makes sense, really. If time exists everywhere at once, and so does white noise, then something something time travel!

Really cool percussive sounds. I will hafto mess with theses noises more and make some nice hats and things.

good idm track! great sounds and atmosphere!

Thanks PWR!

AlexOgre: what's IDM?

This is wonderful.

Very ambient, but not boring and still awesome. The noise keeps it feeling sharp over those chill background noises. Almost kind of space-ish. This song makes me want to go discover and explore an alien planet... In 16bit graphics. Heck yes. Good song.

Hehe, vintage comments! Thanks Dwight. And a much belated thanks to Jiffy!

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