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WeeklyBeats.com / Music / fc's music / In the Garden, There's a Girl

In the Garden, There's a Girl

By fc on June 17, 2012 5:09 am

So, in line with the proposed theme of zombies, here is my contribution to zombie literature. Realised (largely through improvisation) in Ableton Live, I was aiming for the 45 minute thing too, but it took substantially longer. Probably mainly because of my lack of experience with Ableton.

Thanks to freesound.org:

Parabolix (http://www.freesound.org/people/parabolix/sounds/72832/)
Kathol (http://www.freesound.org/people/kathol/sounds/58626/)
NoiseCollector (http://www.freesound.org/people/NoiseCollector/sounds/55138/)

Title taken from a line in Shaun of the Dead

Great title... funny track. It's a bit jazzy for zombies but has a creepy edge to it. I Like the voice over samples and zombie singing.

nice experimental vibe to it

cool understated mix/mastering job too

hehe, I am imagining zombies swaying around in someone's livingroom to this.

Suitable freaky tongue & good job with Live!

Thanks everyone! big_smile

George: out of curiosity, why experimental?

Nice work mate.


This is really awesome! The jazzy style as other people said is good I think! It reminds me of "Atom Zombie Smasher"

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