Untitled (improv jam #7)
By ENC_ on December 25, 2014 9:44 pm
The object of my lust for 2014 has been the Elektron Analog Rytm. Its x-mas and long story short.... I GOT ONE. I have only had it for a few hours but long enough to figure out how to program patterns, do basic sound design, and some jamming friendly features (all actually pretty easy to do). This quite literally is my first jam session using the thing. All sounds are directly from the stereo out on the box and recorded into ableton. It's raw as hell and I am loving it.
As it is week 52 and the last of the weekly beats I am suppper stoked to go out with a jam from this lovely machine. Cheers to all. it was a fun challenge to make all these songs. It was a fun year. I am going to go on a little bit of a writing music hiatus just to rest a little and focus on other things but I will be back. Hit me up. PEACE.
Toys used:
Elektron Analog Rytm (FUCK YES)
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