Guitar Test
By ENC_ on November 21, 2020 7:11 am
Everyone and their mom has been revisiting playing guitar in quarantine. I guess I am boring like that. I learned a very small amount of guitar in high school, didn't practice, and then proceeded to not play for a decade or so until I was locked in my apartment for a few months.
I clumsily noodled this together for this week and sprinkled some quick recording production. I feel embarrassed just typing about this. I sorry. I am not a good guitar player but I tried something new and that should count for something right?
Gear Used:
Ableton (recording, effects, postprocessing, and drum samples)
Squire Mustang Bullet HH (for guitaring)
Fender MIM Stratocaster (for other guitaring)
Jhs Milkman (boost and slapback)
Eathquaker Device Plumes (overdrive for lead)
Foxpedal Wrath (used for distortion in opening swell)
Walrus Audio Julia (chorus)
keeley Effects Caverns (delay, Reverb, Shimmer)
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CC Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works (BY-NC-ND)