Grabage Track
By ENC_ on May 20, 2014 7:11 pm
So this track is one that I personally dont like. I found the results to not meet my standards. When I first started on this track I didn't really have a direction or an inspiration so I just started moving things around, saved it, and then forgot about it. I found the file earlier this week and noticed that I actually had been playing with some good ideas with instrument panning and it inspired me to take another look. After working on it some more I finished up a basic structure, played with some of the timing, and did learn a lot through my stereo experiments on this project. All in all this is a throw away song that isn't going anywhere further but was helpful for me to work some new concepts out.
Things used:
Concertmate MG-1
XM/Mod Samples
Audio works licensed by author under:
CC Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works (BY-NC-ND)