When The Saints Run Back Out
By E-dub on May 8, 2016 10:56 pm
I seem to be doing a lot more instrumentals than vocals this year, which really saves on the lyrics writing.
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WeeklyBeats.com / Music / E-dub's music / When The Saints Run Back Out
I seem to be doing a lot more instrumentals than vocals this year, which really saves on the lyrics writing.
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I neglected to note that this is an electronic drum kit from Addictive Drums 2, one guitar track, one bass synth track, and two other synth instruments. As I normally do, I laid the drums down first and then played the guitar to the drum beat. Then I added the other elements. I wasn't happy with the original guitar track because it was off beat quite a bit so I re-recorded it to make it a lot tighter.
Great title; almost has the same feel as the source title (or maybe I'm just projecting) -- anyway, fun piece!