By Duke Fartknocker on January 19, 2020 7:55 pm
An old one I had banked up. The mix is veeery rough.
Audio works licensed by author under:
CC Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works (BY-NC-ND) / Music / Duke Fartknocker's music / Yet
An old one I had banked up. The mix is veeery rough.
Audio works licensed by author under:
CC Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works (BY-NC-ND)
Doesn't come across as being so rough! Really enjoyed this one. Loved the use of repetition. Just enough variation to keep me on my toes but still an opportunity to lock in with each of the little repeating patterns for a while. Really cool.
Doesn't come across as being so rough! Really enjoyed this one. Loved the use of repetition. Just enough variation to keep me on my toes but still an opportunity to lock in with each of the little repeating patterns for a while. Really cool.
It's mostly the bass I'm a little iffy on, it feels a little weak in that area. The guitar takes were also a little sloppy.
I particularly enjoy the use of space in this. Rhythmic and melodic elements are given their own spot in each measure to shine, allowing for a trade-off between phrases that keeps my interest as a listener.
Are you a fan of Cornelius, by chance? Getting those vibes.
Can't say that I have, but I will definitely check em out.
The mix is fine. Really mixing is just a matter of opinion since some people prefer the emphasis on one thing, while others prefer it on another.