By Devieus on January 5, 2016 12:11 am
The first procedural generated song by my generator, I already know what things I need to change for the next week.
Audio works licensed by author under:
CC Attribution Share Alike (BY-SA) / Music / Devieus's music / Action
The first procedural generated song by my generator, I already know what things I need to change for the next week.
Audio works licensed by author under:
CC Attribution Share Alike (BY-SA)
Cool piece. What are you using to generate this? A Max or PD patch?
Cool piece. What are you using to generate this? A Max or PD patch?
I use Python to generate an ABC notation string (it's possible to output an actual ABC file, but I don't need one, unless you want to see it). I then parse the string through the Music21 python library for further processing; right now the only process is transposition to the right key, which is also the key's sole purpose for now.
After that music21 allows me to open Musescore with the song in it with one command, from there I tweak the instruments using sound fonts and export directly to mp3 (afterwards I use mp3tag to tag my song, a habit everyone should have). Later on I'll maybe stop touching instruments as well.
Curious about what will be the output of your algoriths for 2016 ...
Excellent. I's sure like to have one of them generators…
You can have this one, or maybe I'll include a snippet in every week.
It's like an arpegiator with artificial intelligence slowly discovering the meaning to it's own existence,
Will it evolve into it's own musical consciousness as the weeks progress?
I'll stay tuned to find out !
It's like an arpegiator with artificial intelligence slowly discovering the meaning to it's own existence,
Will it evolve into it's own musical consciousness as the weeks progress?
I'll stay tuned to find out !
Nah, I'm not that great with machine learning just yet. Would be one hell of a thesis if it could.
This reminds me of an idea I had a while back, where a daw would be controlled by a neural network, and it's output would be rated by humans to give the system feedback on what it produced was good or not. Eventually, it would make the best music ever. Possibly...
That's indeed the concept of machine learning. We'll see by the end of the year if I can make something close to it.
Your process actually really impressed me, and led me to upload something for week 2 that's much more "technical" than "song-like". I love your commitment to this idea and am curious how it will go.
Very nice, Devious! Very interesting!
I'm taking this Weekly Beats based on my Sonic Pi ruby programs.
Very nice, Devious! Very interesting!
I'm taking this Weekly Beats based on my Sonic Pi ruby programs.
With out powers combined, we could make beauty.
Also, it's Devieus.
Some people think, you cannot consufe reft with light. What a fairule.