Weeklybeats 2024 was a 52 week long music project in which artists composed and publicly released 1 song a week for the entire year. Enjoy this archive of over 7,500 music compositions by over 300 artists.
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Vampirism Bleed

By Dank Receptor on February 24, 2024 1:01 pm

Live recording of a Korg Volca Samples into Alesis MIDIverbIII.

I loaded some breakbeats onto the Volca and set up some sample chains. The unofficial Pajen firmware gives access to a few more parameters via CC, so I'm having fun sequencing all that.

The MIDIVerbIII has very limited MIDI control, you can only do program changes and CC control over one single parameter at a time, but there are some cool possibilities still. And it's not exactly noiseless, you hear the poor thing crackling during the frequent program changes in the latter part :-)

More of a chaotic experiment than a track really, but good times and more to build on.

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Copyright All rights reserved

This is super "in your face", it really pops out my little ear buds!

Cool beats, like the reverbs over it as well. Pretty cool.

Damn, that's a crazy cool workflow! Really impressive that you got all of that out of two fairly simple pieces of gear. Sounds great too

You have a way of squeezing gold out of limited gear and setups that I absolutely love. Maybe I need to pick up a volca sample again. I always did like how crunchy it sounded and how portable it was.

haaaaaa I love the breaks!  I can’t believe volca sample can do this!  expertly done.

djippy wrote:

This is super "in your face", it really pops out my little ear buds!

Cool beats, like the reverbs over it as well. Pretty cool.

Yeah, I think the samples get really spiky with the short decay on the volume envelope. Also some of the sounds are pitched up for further poppiness. :-)

naught101 wrote:

Damn, that's a crazy cool workflow! Really impressive that you got all of that out of two fairly simple pieces of gear. Sounds great too

Thanks! Very happy with the result, and the workflow was fast and fun.

Happy to report that the Alesis is working again, too.

ENC_ wrote:

You have a way of squeezing gold out of limited gear and setups that I absolutely love. Maybe I need to pick up a volca sample again. I always did like how crunchy it sounded and how portable it was.

Oh, thanks! The Volca surprised me, way cooler and more comprehensive than I first thought. And cheap! :-)

Holzter wrote:

haaaaaa I love the breaks!  I can’t believe volca sample can do this!  expertly done.

Cheers! Solid little machine.

curious about the extra CCs on Pajen! anyway, whatever it is, you're using it to great effect here. the reverb on the snares is especially cool. I like hearing experiments like this - sometimes I don't want to hear any more than one layer, especially with so many nice details already in just the one.

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