Ever Since the Day (Caustic jam)
By cTrix on February 7, 2016 11:57 pm
Time left to upload: 19 seconds. Ahhhhhhhh! I haven't even listened to this yet!!
(the below added after)
It was created in Caustic (Android/Win32) using (mostly) stock kits / synths. The sequencing was a bit rushed as I had to stem it out after a few problems doing the final sequence in app.
In sounded quite different inside Caustic with it's own mix engine. (I dropped my Caustic mastering when stemmed all the parts.) I think it's the way the compressors ying-and-yang in Caustic because they all use the same algorithm - it just sounded better. Reaper / Waves equivalents very different! Here's a sample for comparison http://syntaxparty.org/temp/W5_Tried(Bu
Written in 2 x airports, on 3 planes, 2 buses, and 2 taxi's. Stemmed in bed. Sequenced externally in the studio this morning in 45 minutes. Now.... I get coffee. Cheers!
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