13 Hoovs for 13 Ments
By CrazyBob on February 14, 2016 10:35 pm
Once again I set myself a few goals for the week's composition.
The first: use Ableton Operator to create a Hoover/Mentasm sound.
I ended up having to Google a few tutorials and fudge a few things. Passable success.
The second: Make an odd time signature groove. I had a rhythm in my head, first just a simple 7/8... then it turned into 7/8 alternating with 6/8 for a 13/8 pattern. When I sat down to recreate it, however, the second half of it got weirdly syncopated. It's a little too slippery to really groove... too cerebral to get past the brain into the hips.
As I was putting the parts together I kept thinking it needed more, but then decided to pull back and keep it short and simple. The rhythm is weird enough that a simple 3.5 minute verse-chorus-bridge-verse pop ditty is more than enough. Eb Major, I-V-I-V, then to the vi for the bridge.
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