Combustion Engine (2018)
By Cosmic Cairns on January 23, 2018 5:36 am
This is a brand new recording of a song I wrote back in 1999. The original version was recorded on an 4-track and now only exists on a cassette tape somewhere that I'm not exactly sure where it is. I've managed to build up a pretty decent sized back catalog over the years and as much as I'm always feeling the urge to push forward and do something new, I also think WeeklyBeats provides a good opportunity to look back and return to some old ideas as well. I think there's something interesting about revisiting songs from a long time ago through the lens of now, especially since some of them were pretty amateurishly recorded in the first place or may be difficult to access since they're on dusty old misplaced cassettes. So I think I'd like to remake a few old songs over the course of this year. Music is kind of crazy in that I still feel like there's so much to learn even after all these years, but I think I've gotten a little bit better at recording since the 90's. Not much maybe, but a little.
It's funny because no matter how sloppy and primitive and full of mistakes an early recording is, I've noticed that whenever I try to remake one there's always some element of the original that feels essential somehow that I'm never able to recapture. But that's part of what makes it interesting to look back I think. I'm not the same person I was back then and yet something in these old songs still rings true or reminds me of who I was once upon a time, which is cool.
I've always had a soft spot for this song and some of the lyrics feel more pertinent now than they did back then. I didn't radically alter the original song this time although I did tweak a few lyrics and change a few parts in the arrangement. Otherwise it's a pretty true reading of the old version. Or at least how I remember it. It's been awhile since I busted out that old cassette tape.
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