Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.

WeeklyBeats.com / Music / Cosmic Cairns's music / Alabaster Currents

Alabaster Currents

By Cosmic Cairns on January 4, 2022 9:15 pm

Happy New Year everybody!

I can't believe it's already time for Weekly Beats again.  2021 was by far the fastest year ever for me personally.  Honestly, I had a lot of internal debate if I really wanted to subject myself to this madness again, but in the end I decided I'm going to go for it.

I actually came out of Weekly Beats 2020 feeling pretty invigorated.  I made the decision to do a deep dive into remixing some of my songs from 2020 to make an album.  I spent many, many hours during the first four months of 2021 messing around with that.  That whole process ended up being a combination of educational, fun, and often kind of frustrating to various degrees.  I was already aware of the potential for endless tweaking, but I was really finding myself going down that rabbit hole and eventually just had to say "It is what it is" and walk away.  It was honestly a really intensive experience and on the downside it left me feeling really burned out on music for a while.  I didn't end up writing or recording any music for the rest of 2021.

But now I'm starting to feel the urge to get back to it, and Weekly Beats is most definitely a good forum to force yourself to do just that.  That said, I do think I'm going to ease myself into things and start off the year on a bit of an unambitious note.  My thinking as of right now is I might do a few weeks of "sonic exploration" type of tracks before maybe eventually attempting some more structured and fully fleshed out songs.  But who knows?  I suppose as always, I'll go wherever my muse takes me, even if from here on out that involves 51 straight weeks of polka music.  I highly doubt that will be the case, but I'm not going to impose any kind of rules on myself this year.  Above all, the main thing I'm interested in is having some fun making music this year.

As such, this first track is something simple I knocked out pretty quickly just to get the ball rolling.  It consists of a one-take performance on my musical saw.  I then copied and pasted a couple random sections of it over itself.  I ran the initial take through a "spacy flanger" effect and I pitch dropped a couple of the copied tracks in an attempt to get some "bass saw" action going.  And that's pretty much it.  Nothing but musical saw run through some effects. 

Anyway, I'm looking forward to hearing what everyone else brings to the table this year.  You all are always so awe-inspiring and creatively inspiring as well.  Good luck and let's have some fun this year!

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I really feel you in terms of starting the year off with some experimentation and exploration. There's a whole year ahead, after all.

Hey dude, happy new year!  Glad to be back and listening to everyones tunes again.  Its awesome that you got an album out of last year, did you release it yet?  Tell me where I can listen if so.  I had the same kind of thing happen last year too.  I put out an album with my 2020 stuff too and got incredibly burnt out.  Didn't finish anything else all year.  Ready to go this year though, sounds like you are too.  Sweet first track, definitely some wild sounds in this one.  I'm looking forward to hearing more!

I love the experiment and the crazy sounds you're getting out of the saw! It's great to have you back here!

WB without you would not be a real WB for me. I always enjoy your creativity and edgy ideas.
Good to have you back, polka-man.

Apparitions in the building. The saw has woodwindy overtones

Hello hello, welcome back for another year! This is the most ghost music track I have heard so far on this site and I'm 100% on board.

The overlapping of the different waves is fun and crazy my brain. smile

Hi again! Very nice to see you around for another year here... and your  first piece is amazingly alien and extraterrestial.  Great stuff and certainly different. I hope i can find same kind of musical bravery at some point this year smile

quite haunting but in a good way, I love the theremin vibes

Good to hear you and the saw back in action for 2022.  This is total swamp alien SciFi material here.  Otherworldly!

Hey pal! I think this is a good way to start the year. I always enjoy your saw experiments. I look forward to hearing some quirky polka tracks with sweet vocal hooks (like you do) or wherever you end up!

hent03 wrote:

I really feel you in terms of starting the year off with some experimentation and exploration. There's a whole year ahead, after all.

  Yeah, lots of time to get more ambitious if the mood strikes us.  I have a feeling it will, because listening to everyone's awesome week 1 tracks is already making me want to step up my game, but I also for sure want to go at my own pace.  Weekly Beats is totally a marathon and not a race.

Chrisfoo wrote:

Hey dude, happy new year!  Glad to be back and listening to everyones tunes again.  Its awesome that you got an album out of last year, did you release it yet?  Tell me where I can listen if so.  I had the same kind of thing happen last year too.  I put out an album with my 2020 stuff too and got incredibly burnt out.  Didn't finish anything else all year.  Ready to go this year though, sounds like you are too.  Sweet first track, definitely some wild sounds in this one.  I'm looking forward to hearing more!

  Yeah sounds like we're in a similar place musically and mentally.  I think I needed some time off, but I tend to overall feel better when I'm being creatively productive.  Here's hoping for a fruitful 2022 for both of us!  And, yeah I "released" my album in my incredibly small scale way.  I did finally figure out how to get in on spotify and YouTube, so you should be able to find it there if you search for "Cosmic Cairns".   I also posted it on bandcamp here:  https://cosmiccairns.bandcamp.com/album/violet-afterlife

Kedbreak136 wrote:

I love the experiment and the crazy sounds you're getting out of the saw! It's great to have you back here!

Thanks and glad to see you back, too!  I'll definitely have to do some more saw experiments this year.  It's fun to see what kind of weird sounds I can get out of it.

Q-Rosh wrote:

WB without you would not be a real WB for me. I always enjoy your creativity and edgy ideas.
Good to have you back, polka-man.

  Thanks!  WB wouldn't be the same for me either without your presence.  I might actually have to attempt a polka song at some point this year.  I've never written one before, so it would be challenging, but it would also be pretty fun I bet.  Also possibly a total disaster!

trumbuthegn wrote:

Apparitions in the building. The saw has woodwindy overtones

  Thanks!  I feel like the saw always produces some great textures on its own and then I'm interested to see what it'll do when I run it through effects.  I don't really know what I'm going to get, but finding out is always fun.

2haf wrote:

Hello hello, welcome back for another year! This is the most ghost music track I have heard so far on this site and I'm 100% on board.

Saws are definitely great for getting that "ghostly" feel.  Thanks for listening and awesome to see you back!

maru303 wrote:

The overlapping of the different waves is fun and crazy my brain. smile

  There was definitely some randomness involved in that, which I always think is a fun element to introduce to recordings.  Definitely get some crazy results sometimes.

Ashen Simian wrote:

Hi again! Very nice to see you around for another year here... and your  first piece is amazingly alien and extraterrestial.  Great stuff and certainly different. I hope i can find same kind of musical bravery at some point this year smile

  Great to see you back too!  I definitely have a musical "comfort zone" and I'm sure I will dwell in it many times this year.  But I do like to try things out sometimes just to see what happens and I'm hoping to do some experiments this year.  By the nature of experiments, I definitely might fall flat on my face sometimes, and some of them might end up pretty bad, but there's always another week to do something better!

moloko wrote:

quite haunting but in a good way, I love the theremin vibes

  Thanks!  It's always fun to contribute some haunted vibes.

NWSPR wrote:

Good to hear you and the saw back in action for 2022.  This is total swamp alien SciFi material here.  Otherworldly!

  I'm sure this won't be the last appearance of the saw this year, although I think I need to get my bow re-haired.  It might be out of commission for a little bit, depending how long that takes if and when I get around to taking the bow in to the violin shop.  Maybe I should look into doing that this week.

cfurrow wrote:

Hey pal! I think this is a good way to start the year. I always enjoy your saw experiments. I look forward to hearing some quirky polka tracks with sweet vocal hooks (like you do) or wherever you end up!

  Thanks!  The saw is still fun to play around with after all these years.  I'm sure I'll get some more saw experimentation in this year.  Especially since a track like this was pretty quick and easy to knock out.  Gotta have some of those some weeks for sure.  I'm tempted to go for a polka track sometime this year.  I'll have to see what I can muster up.

cool track, quite haunting sawscape, and just shows that you can't predict what's around the corner when listening to the weeklys. smile

zpeisman wrote:

cool track, quite haunting sawscape, and just shows that you can't predict what's around the corner when listening to the weeklys. smile

Thanks!  One of the best parts of Weekly Beats for me is seeing the wide variety of sounds and styles people bring to the table.

Glad to see you're back again. Let's get weird! smile

Sodabelly wrote:

Glad to see you're back again. Let's get weird! smile

  Thanks!  And for sure all in on the getting weird!

Def with ya on making this a fun less rule oriented year.  That's a good idea too for starting out with some sonic exploration.  I thought the saw maybe was a synth patch at first with the fx.  Pretty sweet! smile

Tone Matrix wrote:

Def with ya on making this a fun less rule oriented year.  That's a good idea too for starting out with some sonic exploration.  I thought the saw maybe was a synth patch at first with the fx.  Pretty sweet! smile

For sure!  I got into making music in the first place because it was fun.  I mean, my early efforts were blatantly terrible and unlistenable, but I sure had a lot of fun making them!  I want to try to make my tracks this year sound as good as I can, but not at the expense of having fun.  I'm not going to achieve perfection anyway, especially not with my sub-optimal recording space, so I just want to find the balance of "sounds okay and is fun to make."

An exploration soundtrack for exploring the many realms of mystery. The musical saw is wonderful as always, what a welcome companion for a journey. I think your idea of easing into things here, glad you're feeling motivated again! I've been there on the rabbit hole of endless editing. In the end, it seems pretty much the same as editing less and just getting it out there.

miraclemiles wrote:

An exploration soundtrack for exploring the many realms of mystery. The musical saw is wonderful as always, what a welcome companion for a journey. I think your idea of easing into things here, glad you're feeling motivated again! I've been there on the rabbit hole of endless editing. In the end, it seems pretty much the same as editing less and just getting it out there.

There was a noticeable improvement for me after a certain amount of re-mixing and I probably should have just stopped there, but it still didn't feel quite where I wanted it to be and that's when the endless tweaking started.  In the end I'm not sure how much difference doing all of that even made.  One of my goals this year is to try to get things "okay" sounding quickly and not worry too much about what I imagine is a perfect or close to perfect endpoint.  Thanks for listening!

Nice Compfilter FX.

m2K7 wrote:

Nice Compfilter FX.

Thanks.  It's a free "psychedelic" reverb plug-in I downloaded a while ago, but this is the first time I'm trying it out.

I felt the same way about doing Weekly Beats in 2022. I wasn't sure if I should do it. I'm glad to see you back. I like how you can take something simple and make it sound like this, something far different from the original sounds.

Anon_Buster wrote:

I felt the same way about doing Weekly Beats in 2022. I wasn't sure if I should do it. I'm glad to see you back. I like how you can take something simple and make it sound like this, something far different from the original sounds.

Thanks!  Now that I've decided to take the plunge I'm starting to get excited for this year.  I was a bit antsy about it before that.  And yeah, the mad scientist in me can't help but mess around with stuff just to see what happens.

emily wrote:

Whoa, I missed seeing this.  Thanks for the awesome gif.

Glad you're back!  this is a willllllld sonic landscape.  love it. 

I hear you on the endless tweaking, but what do you want?

weekly beats?


yearly tweaks?

LOL i'm a genius i'll see myself out

(subscribed for PolkaYear pls)

orangedrink wrote:

Glad you're back!  this is a willllllld sonic landscape.  love it. 

I hear you on the endless tweaking, but what do you want?

weekly beats?


yearly tweaks?

LOL i'm a genius i'll see myself out

(subscribed for PolkaYear pls)

LOL.  Yearly Tweaks sounds like a really fun website.  I bet we could get an active community signed up for that.  For reals my goal for this year is to try to improve but definitely NOT worry about perfection.  After all, it's the imperfections that tend to be interesting anyway I think.  I will also for sure have to try to muster up a polka track this year.  It'll be hard because I'm not super familiar with polka music outside the occasional Weird Al track and I don't play accordion, but I'll try to figure something out.

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