intercontinental interlude
By bryface on October 12, 2014 11:58 pm
still adjusting to being back home in canada after my month-long eurotrip, and i'm not quite ready to go all out with a track just yet, so here's a chill loopy jam of sorts while i recharge a bit.
before my trip i was doing some rummaging around for some decent .SFZ drum kits, and found a decent jazz kit plus a workable SFZ player plugin (sforzando) so the result is incorporated into this track. drums were mostly layered MIDI takes entered via MIDI keyboard, plus a little bit of hand-adjusted tweaking.
also some messing around with some sound design with Synth1 (the VST that basically everyone in the world recommended to me a couple months ago when i was asking around to refresh my collection).
in my haste i rendered the track without realizing that my last keyboard take wrapped around to the beginning, thus the piano note at the beginning of the track, WHOOPS
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