W02 - Cometary Trails
By boorch on January 14, 2024 5:17 pm
Dirtywave M8. A piano and a string pizzicato loop I recorded. Mangled to the hell and back.
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WeeklyBeats.com / Music / boorch's music / W02 - Cometary Trails
Dirtywave M8. A piano and a string pizzicato loop I recorded. Mangled to the hell and back.
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Sounds like the closing track to a scifi move, the tired main character is looking back at earth after their mission has been completed. I really liked the cool spacey rising effects!
totally feel what mutki was saying. but I'd add in a weird like... and we can't go back to how it was kind of way. success, but sad.
it's beautiful, and I think your _restraint_ is really the highlight here. a minute in I would have been tempted to start layering more elements or suddenly we find ourselves in breakbeat town, but I think any of that would have been a disservice to the track. it's 100% of what it needed and nothing else.
This is excellent M8 mangle-fu. Did we have the Risk of Rain boss-talk already? Okay, I see that we did. Because this sounds even more like I’m in imminent danger of destruction than last week (which is to say: it sounds great)
thanks all for the kind words! i'm super happy and surprised to see people describing almost exactly the vibes i'm trying to communicate but can't put to words! spot on!
Oh man, this is awesome! Very well done! Completely agree with all of the other comments, the melancholy and spaciness. I love the perceived simplicity but that it evolves over time!