Weeklybeats 2024 was a 52 week long music project in which artists composed and publicly released 1 song a week for the entire year. Enjoy this archive of over 7,500 music compositions by over 300 artists.
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By Avarine on January 27, 2018 11:20 pm

This is my second attempt at a dance track. I found myself listening to some trance music earlier in the week. It's not a genre I usually get into, but there's something about the euphoria and ~emotions~ that I really like. That feeling of "dancing with tears in your eyes" as Royksopp once put it (not a trance producer, but I love this description).

So the chords for this track are inspired by trance. I wanted the overall sound and feel to be more deep house, but I'm afraid I didn't succeed on that front. I struggled with getting everything sounding how I wanted it to. I re-recorded synth parts over and over, I tweaked and re-tweaked everything! My lack of experience let me down, just knowing how to produce the sounds and textures I can hear in my head. However, I did learn a lot this week through my struggles. Oh, and I really need some monitor speakers, and it's very tempting to buy some new VSTs too. But I refrained from spending! I think when practising any art form, it's good to hone your craft with what you have rather than falling into the rabbit hole of buying more stuff. (But I probably will buy more stuff at some stage.)

I think I could keep working on this one forever, but it's time to let it go. There's lots of ideas in there that I really like, so one day I will come back and rework it.

Thankfully not at all like any of the references you cited (trance, house). Really dig.

I love the melody progression and chords on this, very pretty. I like the emotional abandon vibe that trance can have too. This feels kind of deep house-ey I suppose, but dang genres, hard to draw lines sometimes smile That's a great quote from Royksopp, glad you shared that. Good jobbing working with what you have and finishing another week!

monitors: whatever you have works. as long as you intimately know your reproduction gear. some people would shoot me for saying it but a good pair of headphones is going to do you a lot better as far as mix goes than a set of monitor speakers. if you buy expensive monitors but don't spend money treating your room, you still can't trust them. headphones, while they have some disadvantages, are going to pretty much sound how they sound no matter where you use them (ok there's people who get anal about head positioning and with glasses on and off which does effect the seal BUT it's still a whole different world from trying to accousticly treat spaces).

ANYWAY! dig the direction smile

starpause wrote:

monitors: whatever you have works. as long as you intimately know your reproduction gear. some people would shoot me for saying it but a good pair of headphones is going to do you a lot better as far as mix goes than a set of monitor speakers. if you buy expensive monitors but don't spend money treating your room, you still can't trust them. headphones, while they have some disadvantages, are going to pretty much sound how they sound no matter where you use them (ok there's people who get anal about head positioning and with glasses on and off which does effect the seal BUT it's still a whole different world from trying to accousticly treat spaces).

ANYWAY! dig the direction smile

Ah, you make a good point. I do use monitor headphones and will keep doing so. I do enjoy hearing music in space though. Space as in, my living room, and not like, outer space. tongue But I will hold off on spending any dollars for a while yet.

Avarine wrote:

I do enjoy hearing music in space though. Space as in, my living room, and not like, outer space. tongue But I will hold off on spending any dollars for a while yet.

loooool ya I enjoy composing IN SPACE ( outer space tongue ) as well to the point where I'll lazily not even bother plugging into headphones or speakers and just bang stuff out on the iPad speakers... and I'll for sure play a track out loud on my studio monitors (genelec, do love them) but it's more for a gut check than for trying to mix anything detailed off them with the sound bouncing off everything in my room.

Avarine wrote:
starpause wrote:

monitors: whatever you have works. as long as you intimately know your reproduction gear. some people would shoot me for saying it but a good pair of headphones is going to do you a lot better as far as mix goes than a set of monitor speakers. if you buy expensive monitors but don't spend money treating your room, you still can't trust them. headphones, while they have some disadvantages, are going to pretty much sound how they sound no matter where you use them (ok there's people who get anal about head positioning and with glasses on and off which does effect the seal BUT it's still a whole different world from trying to accousticly treat spaces).

ANYWAY! dig the direction smile

Ah, you make a good point. I do use monitor headphones and will keep doing so. I do enjoy hearing music in space though. Space as in, my living room, and not like, outer space. tongue But I will hold off on spending any dollars for a while yet.

Really glad to hear someone I admire saying that! I'm quite sick and tired of "audio experts" and "comparisons and tests". If it sounds good and you get familiar with your gear, that's 90 percent of it. Don't get me wrong, I love my Mackies, but cant stand the endless conversation: "I can't sound like X and Y because i don't  own A and B pieces of gear".

Totally agree on the VST "let's buy sumtin' new" rant. I usually wait until I can't sincerely make any particular sound with anything else, give some thinking, then buy.

It's true the track is not trancy neither housy, but it's quite good and certainly more intimate smile

Nice job!

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