Your Beacon
By Arcana on February 14, 2016 5:08 pm
Your Beacon
I kind of rushed this, and if I had a few more days I probably would consider fleshing out the individual sections. They are a bit too rough as-is, and you can tell that each section could have used a bit more development. The transitions are a little fast.
Guitar, synths, drums, a tiny bit of bass guitar. Mostly guitar.
New song for Week 6. After a rough Week 5 and a decent Week 4, I have a bit of catching up to do. Can I get my act together and compose a melodic, yet playable song in a few hours? Stay tuned!
One of the chord progressions:
em B/D# C G B/D#
i V6 VI III V6/i
I later added a few.
Tues, Feb 9 - 9:15 to 10:48 PM. Laying down foundational chords, riffs, and initial melodies. This is sounding like an EDM song.
Sa, Feb 13, ~9:30 - 10:30 AM. Not sure exactly when I started, but the first thing I did was learn how to reverse an audio file in Logic Pro and realized that I had been leaving the Advanced Settings off for the last five years (and wondering why I couldn’t do any audio editing in Logic Pro). Damn it. Tip: Preferences -> Advanced Settings -> Audio checkbox.
Sunday, Feb 14 ~9:30 - 10:30; 11:00 12:00 with a few breaks. I was still doing parts in the last hours of this song and spent maybe half an hour on final mixdown and some (but not much) polish. I forgot to track my time today so this is somewhat of an estimate.
Looks like the time estimate for this week is about 4 hours give or take half an hour, since my time tracking was pretty off.
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CC Attribution Share Alike (BY-SA)