New Adventures in Colour
By alonemusic on January 21, 2018 12:28 am
This week is entirely different to how I imagined. Got about halfway through a track and just couldn't resolve it.. so threw it away (not literally) and started again. The new track came together pretty fast and I was all pleased, until my housemate popped his head through the door and mentioned the bassline was basically All My Friends by LCD Soundsystem. I listened back, and yes, yes it is. You could probably sing it over the top if you wanted... However there was 1) no time and 2) well... All My Friends is a banger, like, one of the best songs of the decade, so, I call this a tribute. At the very least I've got two extra chords in there, at least!
Oh and as usual here is the artwork for the week... not much time today, wanted to get more illustrative but hey, sometimes it would just be rude to not pick up your partner from the airport.
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