Weeklybeats 2024 was a 52 week long music project in which artists composed and publicly released 1 song a week for the entire year. Enjoy this archive of over 7,500 music compositions by over 300 artists.
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WeeklyBeats.com / Music / 10k's music / M8 x Super MIDI Pak Jungle WIP

M8 x Super MIDI Pak Jungle WIP

By 10k on August 28, 2022 1:03 am

Title kinda says it all.

All the SNES sounding things and some of the not so SNES sounding things are SNES. Some other things are classic sample pack additions.

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yea! kill me with that junglist-massif sound! heart

I can guess where the SNES ends and the M8 begins but i could be wrong and i like that

Nice classic sound

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