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WeeklyBeats.com / Music / 0F's music / 0F.veleplxr


By 0F on January 21, 2018 6:06 am

semi-generative nord modular patch (1 slot). no external effects apart from a bit of EQ and noise reduction. edited down from a 19 minute recording, see below for link.

not quite at the level of self-playing as I initially aimed for, but I'm moving towards something that is fun to tweak with good results.

this nearly maxed out one DSP chip, so in the future I may have to experiment with several patches across a few slots. I still haven't used the inputs yet either, so perhaps a multi-patch setup routing sounds through other patches could be interesting.

also it's very difficult to get the nord modular to not sound like mid-late 90s autechre.

full 19min recording:

nord modular patch (also works with micro modular):

edit: just realised the kick is out of tune to the rest of the song.. something to learn for next time.. just consider it polytonal tongue

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gonna buy you a beer next time i see you so you can give me a run down on how to generate nice high end percussion stuff like this! i need a lesson in how to make thom yorke solo style clicky things big_smile

this is nice and percussive!

Jamatar wrote:

gonna buy you a beer next time i see you so you can give me a run down on how to generate nice high end percussion stuff like this! i need a lesson in how to make thom yorke solo style clicky things big_smile

this is nice and percussive!

ah thanks!

It's pretty easy to put together tbh, all of the 'drums' in this are a couple of the nord's percussion oscillators, which are basically just a pitchable thump.. then I used a pitch envelope and audio rate LFO (also affected by same pitch envelope) so it's a kind of basic FM. all of the high percussion is just one of the perc oscillators (ie. monophonic) but the trigger for the pitch envelope is separated from the amp envelope trigger, so some hits get the tail end of the pitch envelope resulting in different pitches/timbres.

pretty easy to build in a modular environment but I can certainly show you how to do it in most softsynths.


Nice stuff... making me want to dust off my Micro Modular. I like the melodic parts the best, manages to be fairly emotive even though it's generative. Although I like both Autechre and this, I don't think it sounds much like Autechre, although it does have a similar kind of claustrophobic quality to, say, Cichlisuite.

Tags: "autechre"
Hahah wink

For a self playing generative track this is pretty cool, I'd love to see you mess with something like that live, maybe add additional drum machines or something to it.


Aday wrote:

I'd love to see you mess with something like that live, maybe add additional drum machines or something to it.

I've done this! It pairs nicely with the octatrack

It's a feature not a bug!

0F wrote:
Aday wrote:

I'd love to see you mess with something like that live, maybe add additional drum machines or something to it.

I've done this! It pairs nicely with the octatrack

It'd probably sound really great with some live kit drumming as well. Or like breakbeat style stuff.

Parallelis wrote:
0F wrote:
Aday wrote:

I'd love to see you mess with something like that live, maybe add additional drum machines or something to it.

I've done this! It pairs nicely with the octatrack

It'd probably sound really great with some live kit drumming as well. Or like breakbeat style stuff.

ooh good call.. a live nord modular + drumkit set would be mental

didn't you buy it because it sounded like mid-late 90s autechre

ahhh that's a fearsome setup hahah.  yeah definitely getting the late-90's IDM vibe - great hearing it evolve over several minutes!

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