La butte des morts
By ??? on February 23, 2020 10:37 pm
I think this song should loop back to the first part and hit 8 minutes.
Audio works licensed by author under:
CC Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works (BY-NC-ND) / Music / ???'s music / La butte des morts
I think this song should loop back to the first part and hit 8 minutes.
Audio works licensed by author under:
CC Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works (BY-NC-ND)
Tu pourrais même le loop 3x pour hit 12 mins. Sérieusement, ca marche très bien comme ça. Le soundscape est très réussi. J'aime beaucoup la bass/ligne de synth insistante.
Good job.
Bon pads!
Tu pourrais même le loop 3x pour hit 12 mins. Sérieusement, ca marche très bien comme ça. Le soundscape est très réussi. J'aime beaucoup la bass/ligne de synth insistante.
Good job.
Man! c'est excellent! C'est clair que je loop ça, tu donnes vraiment dans une belle vibe sci-fi fantaisie avec cette track, super synths as always, beaucoup d'énergie avec les drums aussi, chapeau!!
this is beautiful!
i downloaded it and will listen on repeat
what programs/instruments did you use to make it?
this is beautiful!
i downloaded it and will listen on repeat
what programs/instruments did you use to make it?
Thanks man!!!! I use cubase. The drum ia a TR707 from NI battery and everything else is synthesizers, the bass is my modular synth (it's a bass sound going through 2 different filters, hence the panned distortion stuff in some parts). There is also a higher pitched sound over the bass that comes from the modular. All pads are from the ob-6 and prophet-6. The main leads / melodies are layers of the elektron A4 and rev2). Some sounds go through a strymon big sky for reverb but I also added some reverb in cubase with valhalla reverbs (vintage verb). Cheers! Have a nice week!
Wow, what an impressive mastery of technique and instruments. Your knowledge really shows in your work.
Wow, what an impressive mastery of technique and instruments. Your knowledge really shows in your work.
Thanks a lot man!
You got me on the Moebius illustration!
Really lovely fantasy/sci-fi atmosphere and impressive layers of synths. The bass is pretty well built.
Around the 3rd parth of the song... that bubbling bass... is that PWM modulation? I've always wanted to achieve that sound (and never did).
Excellent track, indeed.