Adelaide, South Australia

This week marked the first of what I predicted will happen a few times; I had a pretty intense depressive flare up and lost inspiration to do anything, let alone write music.

Luckily, I'd already half worked out an idea and could just post it as was, but I'm a little disappointed that this happened so early :-/ ah well, when uni goes back, there will be more challenges to overcome and hopefully no time to get pissy and depressed... MOAR DISTRACTIONS! >.<

Also, I'm still a little annoyed I had to bail on the local beat-up (or beat-off, if you prefer) because of my new job's effect on my sleeping patterns v_v next time, beaters, next time.

tl;dr - I was doing okay, I got sad, so I posted a WIP. I was going to beat with a bunch of others, but got sleepy, so I slept.

Philadelphia, PA
The Alastair Collins wrote:

(or beat-off, if you prefer)

...and I do.


I feel pretty good about the fact I'm 4 for 4, despite having what feels like no free time. I've not always been completely happy with the tracks but I've noticed an improvement in my discipline and general approach to writing music (evident from the fact that all my tracks have been done on a Sunday and uploaded earlier each week). I can see this being a cathartic year if nothing else smile

New Orleans, LA

I just want to say that Weekly Beats has really been pushing me to experiment with different ways to make music.  I am so glad I signed up and I love listening to everyone's work.  There are a lot of cool things happening here!

The Wisconsin

This site is one of the highlights of my week. I love making music, I love listening to music, and I love getting advice and criticism about my music. It's not very hard for me, yet.

Coastal Australia

So far WB has been a walk in the park compared to LB last year!  I enjoy the weekly length as it (usually) allows time to work on the mix a bit also.  I write a lot anyway so this is a good outlet for all those tracks and it prompts me to complete them!  And the other bonus is other people get to enjoy them, not just me....... hopefully.  smile


I went into week 4 thinking it would just have to be something just thrown together since my time was short... and even though my tune was was simple I think it's one of my favorites.  I'm starting to feel more confident in just doing things I'd like to hear rather than thinking about how others might hear my work.  Doing 48 more will be tricky, but I'm looking forward to see what I'll think about making music at the end if it.


I've been doing all of my submissions on Sunday a few hours before the deadline

this has to stop; I'm doing week 5 tomorrow so I can concentrate on that "record an album in February" challenge

I forget what it's called

Coastal Australia

I did 100 songs in 100 days last year so I'm really enjoying this weekly thing!  My holidays will be over soon so I'll have to get organised a bit more.

Riverside, CA
Solarbear wrote:
The Alastair Collins wrote:

(or beat-off, if you prefer)

...and I do.

Philadelphia, PA



I thought I would share my 10 favorite tracks from January:

Frederik - Snow
Justin - Reality Disconnection
Lien - 2-Note Blue
Mooninite - You Said I Was The Country
Mattnida - Atomaton
Orinoco - Donald Chump
Chroma - In The Woods
Little-scale - My Neighbor Is A Serial Killer
Tristan Louth-Robins - The Silver Threads
R. Odent - Lagrangian Funk


I don't know if I can continue doing WB for too much longer.  I just have too high an expectation of my music to get something done if I've had a busy week.  I don't actually have the ability (other than improv on a piano) to get a tune done quickly.  It's starting to eat into my personal life, and most certainly eating my "get the release finished" time... so I might pull it back to a monthly thing and make that my challenge.  Tune a week = too much.  That said, if I can still enjoy it, and find a way to do some quick / fast tunes without staying up all night on the Sunday and sleeping though meetings the next day, then I'll keep going.  The second it becomes a major stress or cause problems it'll be Monthly Melodies for me. :-P  Maybe I can just do short one minute jams on a DMG or something... we'll see.

Riverside, CA
cTrix wrote:

I don't know if I can continue doing WB for too much longer.  I just have too high an expectation of my music to get something done if I've had a busy week.  I don't actually have the ability (other than improv on a piano) to get a tune done quickly.  It's starting to eat into my personal life, and most certainly eating my "get the release finished" time... so I might pull it back to a monthly thing and make that my challenge.  Tune a week = too much.  That said, if I can still enjoy it, and find a way to do some quick / fast tunes without staying up all night on the Sunday and sleeping though meetings the next day, then I'll keep going.  The second it becomes a major stress or cause problems it'll be Monthly Melodies for me. :-P  Maybe I can just do short one minute jams on a DMG or something... we'll see.

I blame Andrew Kilpatrick entirely if you quit WB tongue
If you're worried about people having too high of an expectation you should make a second account under a secret name and just continue there. smile

The future

@ctrix yeah. what's the deal. why does andrew ride your nuts so hard? I mean. you are talented.. but still.. it's kinda annoying. He sounds like one of those chicks back in beatlemania-land. Im kinda anti having the reviews at all.. I'd much prefer that people express constructive criticism than turn this place into a popularity contest. I dont think thats what trash80's original intention was.

Phil Harmonic wrote:

@ctrix yeah. what's the deal. why does andrew ride your nuts so hard?

Hahaha.  I'm totes fine with Andrew - I'll be be the first one smiling at a "no comment" review if I throw together something hap-hazard.  I simply have a personal quality-control alarm that I have to let go of.   There is no reason I can't hit rec on an improv piano solo and be done in 30 mins.  I'm just a little worried about making what I consider low quality tracks for public release.